Found Object: Traveling Shoes

Location: 2nd Floor, English Counseling Services Building
Object: Whiteboard (April 2024)
Observations: 1) During this academic year, the whiteboard on the 2nd floor of ECS has continued to pose questions, ask for opinions, and prompt stories.  2) For the past two weeks, it has been collecting responses to the question “Where is the coolest place the shoes you’re wearing have been?” 3) From nearby locales (“Eisenhower” and “ECS 224”) to international cities (“Paris!” and “Florence!”), from dizzying heights domestic (“Roof of my grandmother’s house”) to mountainous (“Mt. Everest” and “the top of Pike’s Peak, CO”), it’s clear that the definition of “coolest” contains multitudes. 4) Though the range of destinations sets memory and imagination in motion, my favorite response might be “Everywhere I walk.”

Karin Westman, Department Head

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