From the Archive: Halloween Horror: The Tell-Tale Heart

Image Credit: Goodreads

Since our blog debuted in 2017, we have published 400+ posts.  While some of you may have been with us from the start (thank you, loyal readers!), others may have joined us more recently.

So, we’re highlighting periodically some of the posts that have garnered a lot of views or that address topics of continuing interest in the current moment — posts that you may have missed or that you might want to revisit.

Today, for Halloween 2023, we offer a holiday-themed entry that has remained popular since it debut in October 2020: “Halloween Horror: The Tell-Tale Heart” by Taylor Curtright (BS ’21, Psychological Sciences).

As Wendy Matlock explains in her introduction, this post shares Taylor’s response to an adaptation assignment in ENGL 251 “Introduction to Literature,” showcasing Taylor’s talents with special effects makeup as well as close reading and analysis: “The final product is sophisticated and spooky and perfect for the season.”

Read more — and, of course, see more — at Halloween Horror: The Tell-Tale Heart — and our thanks to Taylor and her photographer Zoe Abner (BA ’21, Art/Graphic Design) for this spectacular contribution!

Karin Westman, Department Head

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